Jamie is a poet, songwriter and essayist living on the sunny side of The Columbia River Gorge. Her work has appeared in numerous publications, including Literary Mama and The High Desert Journal.

From 2006-2020, Jamie worked as a teaching artist in many settings. Her favorite gig was teaching poetry in Portland Public Schools through Literary Arts. Notable repeated residencies include The Warm Springs Museum, Crook County High School, Bend High Teen Parent Program, Sisters Middle School Arts Edge Program, Deer Ridge Correctional Institution, Shepherd's House habilitation center and New Leaf Academy therapeutic boarding school for girls. The most unusual place she ever taught poetry was Whitehorse, Yukon, closely followed by a one-room school house in the small ranching community of Paulina, Oregon.

Now, Jamie spends her time teaching and singing to her own children and blogging personal essays. Her favorite topics include medical research and sharing her experiences teaching.

(Sometimes, she still writes in her native language, poetry.)

