Dear reader,

Over 1,000 of you read the blog this year. I was pretty surprised when I looked at the analytics and realized how many of you are stopping by. Some of you return frequently, as I do with blogs I find comforting or informative. So, thank you. Thanks for reading, thanks for sharing it with your friends, and most of all thanks for caring. I’m working hard on a few more essays, some about Lyme/CIRS and some just about life.

Enjoy your family, found family, football and food today. I love you. And the truth is, that’s why I write. I’ve always loved people, from all walks of life, all temperaments and tempers. I love your weather, and the way your face shines it’s own sun, even in the dark. I love the way you care for each other, cutting crusts off bread or brushing your dog’s teeth. I love the way you stand up for what you believe in, and the way you admit your little imperfections, the coffee stain on your sweater, the hole you darned over in your stocking. I love the way you apologize for crying, even though we all do it, and we all tell each other it’s ok. It’s really ok.

I love the way we decorate our nests like pack rats, the way we congregate in rows like sparrows. I love the way you change, shedding another version of yourself each decade, stepping into a new skin, burning bright with the knowledge that but for the grace of God, we’d be buried with all the good eggs who have departed us.

Rest In Peace, chicks. Enjoy your day, reader. May God bless you with bravery, gumption, and good health through the holidays and beyond.
